May 3, 2012

The Power of a Powerful Message

What message are you conveying as you interact with others in your daily life? Does it support your vision and purpose?  Or does it work against it?

Like it or not, you are a walking billboard for yourself and people make judgements based on what you transmit.  The good news:  you get to design and manage your message.

I've written a guest blog on this topic.  Click here for link.

Working Late Dallas is a new networking group for accomplished professional women founded by the dynamic duo of Helen Molloy of J.P. Morgan Securities and Jane Fergason, partner, Gardere Wynne Sewell.  Their sessions are lively and interactive -- featuring women from a cross-section of business  and stages-of-life.  Invigorating!

Helen and I met at a meeting of Texas Wall Street Women where I beta-tested content for the Changeometer TM -- my framework for strategic decisionmaking.

Don't miss the TWSW the 2012 Leaders in Finance Investment Outlook Panel and reception May 9, 4-9 pm at the Belo Mansion in Dallas.   See info/registration here.

The next Working Late session is May 16, 5-7:30 pm, where I will be sharing some Changeometer highlights.  Click here to request an invitation.

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